Halloween Candy Buyback

Dentist Melrose, MA
Melrose Family Dentistry is proud to be a registered participant in the Halloween Candy Buyback Program (www.halloweencandybuyback.com) - Where kids get rewarded for making healthy choices and for brightening the smiles on our troops overseas by donating their Halloween candy. Trade in your candy for a goodie bag and we will donate it to Operation Gratitude who will forward the candy to our hardworking troops!

 How does the program work?
  • Participating dentists "buy" back kids' Halloween candy at a scheduled event.
  • "Buy" with cash, coupons, toothbrushes, creative exchanges - They can partner with local businesses to give away coupons for food, services, goods, etc.  They can give away the Hygiene Kits, they can set up an Opportunity Prize--each kid gets a ticket per pound of candy for an opportunity drawing to win special prizes, etc.
  • Dentists send the candy to Operation Gratitude or other Military support groups.
  • Operation Gratitude sends the candy to U.S. Military deployed in harm's way.

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